Introduction to Data Analytics

Price: $2,785.00
Course Outline

As data evolves for organizations, employees must understand the value of the data they hold. This Data Analytics Introduction provides a clear understanding of data analytics's purpose, tools, and techniques. In addition, it will help attendees to plan the data and digital strategy for their organizations.

Introduction to Data Analytics Benefits

  • Back at work, attendees will be able to:

    • Define what Data Analytics is and how it helps with business-focused decision-making
    • Understand the fundamentals of pattern recognition
    • Differentiate between data roles such as Data Analyst, Data Scientist, Data Engineer, Business Analyst, and Business Intelligence Analyst.
    • Recognize the value, terminology, and challenges of Business Intelligence
    • Understand how Data Mining builds knowledge, insights, patterns, & data advantages
    • Appreciate the usefulness of data visualization, visual patterns, and Infographics for stakeholder communication
    • Improve awareness of the value of the data your organization holds and how to manipulate it
    • Have excellent fundamental knowledge of data, how it is captured, and how it is visualized for us in the business
    • Position Data Warehouses as data management facilities that help to:
      • Create reports and analysis
      • Support managerial decision making
      • Engineered for efficient reporting and querying
    • Training Prerequisites

      A basic understanding of what data is and the function of data analysis

    • Certification Information

      Learning Tree Exam included

    Data Analytics Introduction Training Outline

    Chapter 1: Data Analytics Introduction

    Business Intelligence

    • Example: MoneyBall: Data Mining in Sports

    Pattern Recognition

    • Types of Patterns
    • Finding a Pattern
    • Uses of Patterns

    The Data Processing Chain

    • Data Database
    • Data Warehouse
    • Data Mining
    • Data Visualization

    Data Analytics Terminology and Careers

    Review Wheel

    Chapter 2: BI Concepts & Applications


    • Example: Schools and Academies
    • BI in Education

    BI for Better Decisions

    Decision types

    • BI Tools
    • BI Skills

    BI Applications

    • Customer Relationship Management
    • Healthcare and Wellness
    • Education
    • Retail Banking
    • Financial Services
    • Insurance Manufacturing
    • Supply Chain Management
    • Telecom
    • Public Sector


    Review Wheel

    Case Study Exercise

    Chapter 3: Data Warehousing


    • Example: University Health System – BI in Healthcare

    Design Considerations for DW

    DW Development Approaches

    • DW Architecture
    • Data Sources
    • Data Loading Processes

    Data Warehouse Design

    • DW Access
    • DW Best Practices
    • Data Lakes


    Review Wheel

    Case Study Exercise: Step 2

    Chapter 4: Data Mining Introduction


    • Example: Target Corp – Data Mining in Retail

    Gathering and selecting data

    • Data cleansing and preparation
    • Outputs of Data Mining
    • Evaluating Data Mining Results

    Data Mining Techniques

    • Tools and Platforms for Data Mining
    • Data Mining Best Practices
    • Myths about data mining
    • Data Mining Mistakes


    Review Wheel

    Case Study Exercise: Step 3

    Chapter 5: Data Visualization


    • Example: Dr. Hans Gosling - Visualizing Global Public Health

    Excellence in Visualization

    • Types of Charts
    • Visualization Example

    Tips for Data Visualization


    Review Wheel

    Case Study Exercise: Step 4

    Chapter 6 Popular Data Mining Techniques

    Decision Trees

    • Introduction
    • Example: Predicting Heart Attacks using Decision Trees
    • Decision Tree problem
    • Decision Tree Construction

    Regression and Time Series Analysis

    • Correlations and Relationships
    • A visual look at relationships
    • Regression
    • Non-linear regression
    • Logistic Regression
    • Advantages and Disadvantages of Regression
    • Time Series Analysis

    Artificial Neural Networks

    • Introduction
    • Example: IBM Watson - Analytics in Medicine
    • Principles of an Artificial Neural Network
    • Business Applications of ANN Design
    • Representation of a Neural Network
    • Architecting a Neural Network
    • Developing an ANN
    • Advantages and Disadvantages of using ANNs
    • Conclusion
    Course Dates
    Attendance Method
    Additional Details (optional)

    Private Team Training

    Interested in this course for your team? Please complete and submit the form below and we will contact you to discuss your needs and budget.